Building a strong and vibrant Indian dance community in Italy is the main goal of all the cultural and artistic activities lead by Dance In-It. Through residences, workshops and conferences and by promoting collaborations between artists and dancers present in the national territory. We aims to make the Italian community of Indian classical dance virtuous and effective , through collaborative, inclusive, experimental and innovation-driven practices.
Our community model is inclusive, respecting the differences of roles and functions of its members, valorizing the different expertises of every single member. The Dance In-It community is made up of Indian dance professionals working in Italy, dance students, scholars, rasikas and Italian artists working abroad.
Expected results
A real, virtuos national community of Indian dance professionals, propelled by the relations between professionals, Indian culture lovers such as dance students and rasikas and further it finally engages those who are new to Indian classical dances and arts. The promotion of cultural diversity through Indian dance-theatre, creating spaces for emerging artists to express themselves. Furthermore, our research focuses on comparative studies between performing arts and gender, sociology, philosophy, neuroscience, and philological studies.